Trade secrets are the lifeblood of many businesses, providing a competitive edge that sets them apart in the marketplace. As an employment lawyer in Dallas, I have seen firsthand the critical role that trade secrets play in maintaining a company’s competitive advantage. In Texas, trade secrets are protected under both state and federal law, and it’s essential for businesses to understand how to safeguard this valuable information effectively.

Understanding Trade Secrets

A trade secret is any confidential information that provides a business with a competitive advantage. This can include formulas, practices, processes, designs, instruments, patterns, or any compilation of information that is not generally known or readily accessible by others who could obtain economic value from its disclosure or use. Unlike patents, which require public disclosure, trade secrets remain confidential, and their protection can last indefinitely as long as they are kept secret.

In Texas, trade secrets are protected under the Texas Uniform Trade Secrets Act (TUTSA) and the federal Defend Trade Secrets Act (DTSA). These laws provide a framework for businesses to seek remedies in the event of trade secret misappropriation, including injunctive relief and monetary damages. However, the onus is on businesses to take proactive steps to protect their trade secrets.

The Role of Employment Lawyers in Dallas

As an employment lawyer in Dallas, my role involves advising businesses on best practices for protecting their trade secrets. This includes helping companies implement robust confidentiality agreements, non-disclosure agreements (NDAs), and other legal measures to ensure that employees, contractors, and business partners understand their obligations regarding trade secret protection.

Confidentiality agreements are a critical tool for businesses. These agreements should be clear and comprehensive, outlining the specific information considered to be trade secrets and the consequences of unauthorized disclosure. NDAs can be used both during employment and after an employee leaves the company to prevent former employees from using trade secrets to benefit a competitor.

Implementing Security Measures

Beyond legal agreements, businesses must also implement practical security measures to protect their trade secrets. This includes controlling access to sensitive information, using secure communication channels, and maintaining strict IT security protocols. Physical security measures, such as locked cabinets and restricted access to certain areas of the workplace, are also essential.

Training employees on the importance of trade secret protection and the specific measures your company has in place is crucial. Employees should understand that the disclosure of trade secrets, even inadvertently, can have severe consequences for the business and potentially for their employment.

Addressing Trade Secret Misappropriation

Despite best efforts, trade secret misappropriation can still occur. When it does, it is crucial to act quickly and decisively. As an employment lawyer in Dallas, I assist businesses in investigating potential breaches, gathering evidence, and pursuing legal action against those responsible for misappropriation.

The legal remedies available under TUTSA and DTSA include injunctions to prevent further use or disclosure of the trade secret and monetary damages to compensate for any losses suffered. In some cases, courts may also award exemplary damages and attorney’s fees if the misappropriation is found to be willful and malicious.


Trade secrets are a vital asset for any business, providing a unique competitive edge that can drive success and growth. Protecting these secrets requires a combination of legal measures, practical security protocols, and ongoing employee training. As an employment lawyer in Dallas, I am committed to helping businesses navigate the complexities of trade secret protection, ensuring that their valuable information remains secure.

By understanding the importance of trade secrets and taking proactive steps to safeguard them, businesses can protect their competitive advantage and continue to thrive in a dynamic marketplace. If you need assistance with trade secret protection or any other employment law matters, please contact Hammel Law, PLLC, for expert legal guidance and representation.